By : Dan
I’ve just had the pleasure of watching the latest episode of Once Upon A Time, ‘The Doctor’.
This week sees the focus put on Regina and Dr Whale (obviously, given the title). It tells the story behind why Regina wants to learn magic from Rumplestiltskin – to try to bring Daniel back to life. Hatter offers her the opportunity to work with a man who uses something more powerful than magic, and she agrees. When the Doctor fails, she decides to learn magic from Rumplestiltskin. It’s later revealed that this was all set up by Rumple, and the Doctor’s name is revealed to be Victor. He then goes back to his own land (with help from Hatter), and awakens his dead brother.
In reality, Dr Whale has woken Daniel up (his body was brought along with the hearts), and Daniel proceeded to rip off his arm. Daniel goes to the stables, and attacks Henry by accident. Regina and David stop him, and Regina gets David to agree to let her talk to him. ASt first he attacks her,then comes back to himself and asks to be set free and let go. Regina says she can’t, and Daniel attacks her again. She uses magic to freeze him, and then turn him to dust, finally saying goodbye.
In present fairyland, Emma et al return to find the camp destroyed by Cora. There’s only one survivor – the man we know is Captain Hook. After giving them false stories, and Emma realising they’re lies, they tie him to a tree and whistle for ogres until he reveals Cora’s plan to get to Storybrooke. He then offers them the same deal of travel, if they help him, which they reluctantly agree to.
It was an excellent episode, made even better by the terrific performances of Lana Parrilla, David Anders and Sebastian Stan (who looks down right cool in Hatter get-up). I can’t wait to learn more in the coming weeks, and to discover what else can happen to our favourite characters.