I’ve just had the pleasure of watching the season 8 premiere of Supernatural, ‘We Need To Talk About Kevin’.
After a brief recap of what went on last season, we pick up 1 year after the events of the season 7 finale where Dean was sent to Purgatory after killing Dick Roman (Big Daddy Leviathan). Dean escapes Purgatory, with the assistance of a vampire named Benny. After resurrecting Benny in this world, Dean heads off in search of Sam. The 2 enjoy a brief reunion before Sam reveals that he gave up hunting and didn’t look for Dean, as they’d promised each other, and the news from Dean that Castiel is gone.
Dean gets annoyed, and goes through Sam’s phones, finding messages from Kevin, the prophet, saying how he escaped from Crowley. They track him down, and it’s revealed that he found another Word of God, detailing how to banish Demons from the Earth once and for all, and close the Gates of Hell. Crowley shows up, and offers Kevin a choice of coming with him to save his girlfriend, or her dying. He chooses to leave with Sam and Dean (after dousing Crowley in holy water), and in revenge Crowley snaps his girlfriends’ neck.
The episode ends with Dean getting a phone call from an automated number, and he then leaves Sam and Kevin briefly to redial, and speaks to Benny. Benny is adjusting to life after years in purgatory, and Dean tells him to call if there’s an emergency.
The episode is littered with flashbacks, for both Dean (during Purgatory) and Sam (the year out), as well as a flashback from Kevin (how he escaped Crowley). However, these flashbacks by no means tell the full story, and I’m looking forward to watching it unravel as the season continues.
An excellent return from one of my favorite shows.
Thank you for reading.
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