By: Dan
Revenge started back last night, with it’s superb second season premiere, ‘Destiny’.
Returning with a flourish, Revenge is definitely only getting better. Once again, the season startes with something 3 months in the future, this time the Amanda (the boat of course) being at the bottom of the sea after an apparent explosion. We then cut back to the present, where we’re treated to updates on the lives of everyone since the previous season finale.
Emily Thorne/Amanda Clarke has been off trying to remember her mother, with help from Takeda (who has been re-cast for this season). Nolan has decided to sell his house (and take up boxing), but is more than happy to help Emily once she returns, and is staying as a guest in her beach house. He also provides some of the best lines in the episode, with Gabriel mann demonstrating his excellent comic timing. Conrad and Daniel pick up pretty much where they left off, with the SEC ruining their company, and Daniel drinking a lot more than he used to, and of course he’s dating Ashley now too. Jack and the fake Amanda Clarke are having a baby, though Jack doesn’t appear too impressed, and questions whether or not he’s the father by the end of the episode (with a little push from Emily), as well as jack having family trouble with Declan. Charlotte is coming on leaps and bounds, no thanks to Conrad, and seems to be more friendly with Emily than she was before too, and is also in contact with her (presumed dead) mother, Victoria, who is just as poisonous as ever.
All of the acting is brilliant, and I’m impressed with the season premiere. It’s set up another brilliant season, and there are some shocks both in this episode, and to come. I sincerely enjoyed it, and I can’t wait for more.
Thank you for reading.
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