Jess and Jessica welcome Lindsey Gray to Variety Radio Online to talk abut her Novel “Redemption”
Redemption: Life is for living. Afterlife is a chance at redemption. As the only remaining female vampire in existence, Lily attempts to make her way towards her ever after. But with best friend Becca, new beau Ian, human husband Ryan, Archangel Peter, and a host of demons all standing in the way of Lily’s chance at a peaceful eternity, how can she possibly survive?
Lindsey was born with a fascination for the written word. By the time she was 12 years old, she had typed several short stories on her parents’ Apple IIE computer.
Like many young writers, her early aspirations were eclipsed by every day life. The itch to write however has always lingered in the background and over the last few years her desire to create has grown, to the point it can no longer be denied.
She returned to her, now up-to-date, computer and the words flowed into what became her first published novel, Lies Inside. After successfully publishing her first novel, Lindsey returned to the novel she began more than two years ago. Having taken this break and writing in a different genre, Lindsey see was able to view the manuscript with new eyes. Not only was is able to pen Redemption, but had ideas to continue the series.
A mid-west native, Lindsey lives, loves learns, and writes in Kansas with her husband and two amazing children by her side. When she has a moment or two, she also enjoys cheering on the Green Bay Packers, reading and spending time with her friends and family.