Daniel Gillies joins Variety Radio Online on 6/13/2011 to talk about his role on The Vampire Diaries as Elijah, Klaus’ older brother, a member of the Original Family of vampires. Elijah is just as interested in killing Klaus as Elena, Damon, and Stefan. Live from his bed and joined by his kitten and puppy, Daniel discusses how it was coming on to a show with an already established cast. He has previously had worked with Ian Somerhalder and was the object of some of his ‘molesting’. It was all in good fun. He also talks about his audition for the role of Elijah. This was the first time in many years that he had played a character for more than 3 episodes. Daniel also answers questions from the fans that call in.
About Daniels Gillies: Born in Manitoba, Canada, he moved at an early age with his family to New Zealand. He got his acting debut in the New Zealand show “Street Legal.” He has guest starred on many shows, most recently on NCIS. A veteran of the theater, Daniel participated in over twenty plays professionally; including ‘Julius Caesar’, ‘Three Sisters’, ‘Long Day’s Journey into Night’ and ‘The Judas Kiss’. In 2006 he played a lead in the International Festival darling ‘The Sensation of Sight’, alongside Academy Award nominee David Strathairn. The following year, Gillies started his own production company
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