KERBEROS screens Saturday night, July 24th at the Action On Film International Film Festival in Old Town Pasadena – just a few miles outside of Hollywood and downtown LA.
We’re really excited for lots of reasons!
– Though we had the privilege of a fantastic early test screening last year in Indie Fest USA at Disney – before we added the musical score and music from 8 bands, filmed additional scenes, and did our post sound in London – and still won “Best Cinematography” and “Best Editing” – this is our Official World Premiere!
– We have a Saturday night, 7:30 pm screening… a pretty big deal since there are more than 200 films going on throughout the week!
– Our friend and Co-Star Stan Harrington, Menacci in our movie, has two other movies playing during the festival – one of which, CREED – a really cool, hip, and vicious Vampire flick shot in LA – plays the same day as KERBEROS just a couple hours before us so we get to support both films. I was honored to act as Co-Producer and Guest Director on CREED. Stan made a seriously cool movie – and it’s based on real life events of just a few years ago! The acting and story are stellar, and I’m really excited to see it on the big screen. Stan also gets to really show off his acting/directing chops in a quiet but powerful film, SMALL DAYS, written by and co-starring Timothy McNeil. SMALL DAYS, also starring Timothy McNeil, was the critically acclaimed Directorial (Stage) debut of Mark Ruffalo.
– And last, for now… Co-Star Rob Pralgo, Armstrong in KERBEROS, has another film, EXHIBIT A7 that he helped produce and starred in along with Courtney Hogan (Vinny) that will also make it’s World Premiere during the AOF festival! I was lucky enough to see a test screening of it at ConCarolinas last month, and people loved it! Directed, starring, and produced in NC by our friends Adam Minarovich and Kevin Woods. I am sure you’ll be hearing a LOT MORE about it soon… Rob, Courtney, Adam, and Vanelle Lyn are all really, really strong in it. It’s a very clever piece of filmmaking by Adam and all those involved.
KERBEROS is pretty much “badass” in so many ways; we’ve had 5 fantastic reviews so far and people are starting to talk… CREED and EXHIBIT A7 walk the line of being horror films, and I think both have a real chance of hitting ‘cult’ status.
If you remember, BLOOD TIES won “Action Film Of The Year” at AOF 3 years ago…
Del Weston’s Action On Film International Film Festival has grown exponentially, was recognized by Filmmaker Magazine as one of the top 25 festivals from around the world worth entering, and I am absolutely honored to be such a big part of it this year. Del works his ass off every year to make the festival great for both the audience and ALL the filmmakers, and I feel AOF was absolutely vital in launching BLOOD TIES’ fantastic success on the world-wide festival circuit. Without those wins, I would not be where I’m at, and KERBEROS could not be the movie it is. This year’s AOF will be another HUGE step forward for all of us…
There are a lot of great films and some pretty big stars coming out this year – AOF is honoring Talia Shire this year with a Lifetime Achievement Award, and there are dozens of other directors, stars, producers, and celebrities coming to the fest.
Most of you know that I have worked pretty much non-stop for over 2 years on this project – but there IS NO movie and nothing for me to be working on without ALL your efforts and help and talent. I promise that everyone involved on any level – big and small – can be very proud of the movie we have made!
More news coming soon!
Here’s our festival listing for now… pretty damn cool!
And the AOF website…